Space Invaders is an arcade video game designed by Tomohiro Nishikado, and released in 1978. It was originally manufactured and sold by Taito in Japan, and was later licensed for production in the United States by the Midway division of Bally. Space Invaders is one of the earliest shooting games and the aim is to defeat waves of aliens with a laser cannon to earn as many points as possible.
Now, the is another different kind of invader but quite related to each other...
Invader (born 1969) is a French urban artist who pastes up characters from and inspired by the Space Invaders game, made up of small coloured square tiles that form a mosaic. He does this in cities across the world, then documents this as an Invasion, with books and maps of where to find each invader.
Similar to Space Invaders art, these pixel creatures are invading the human world. They have taken over the walls of Paris, Amsterdam, New York, LA, and now they are targeting Coca-Cola cans across the world, turning everything in their path to pixels.
Source from Behance Network
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